As a Bear Clan LifeGiver we consider Creator to be Skywoman and even Wakan Tanka implies the Feminine as the Sacred Stone (wakan = sacred; Tanka = stone) I live upon is Unci Maca/Grandmother Earth.

It becomes important as our sovereignty rests on matralineal treaties that go back to the 400s and before.

Excellent article James Don BlueWolf. Clear voice. I learned much.

Wopila Tankashila

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Thanks for the kind and encouraging words to everyone… jdb

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Thank you for sharing this very enlightening history. Reading it cuts through so much noise and posturing for some while it makes others deaf. I will try to get a copy of this book,

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This is the best discussion on the topic that I have ever read. Bar none. Thank you for writing it.

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https://thewebmatrix.net. (Dan Willis).

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When we lose sight of the fact all humans are created by the same Creator of Heaven and Earth, we lose sight of His desire and commandment to love one another.

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