I always enjoy your writing, even though I only drop in irregularly. I hear a writer with a heavy heart, but still a writer. I cannot imagine how it is to have lost a child and seven others and the dog, but I imagine I’d find most words trivial for quite some time. ❤️

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This post in it self is writing and definitely worth sharing. Writing is connection regardless of what where who etc. I still don't know how to convey with words affirmation and love to those facing loss even while experiencing the same. I do know while we dont feel connected to our writing or feel able to theres a process happening internally a connection to the emotions leading to the words that should be honoured and eventually beautiful poetry will come spilling out. Often I connect with my own writing way after I've written it. Thank you for sharing this.

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I’m so very sorry for your loss of your loved ones and your beloved family pet. Perhaps writing about your loss may bring comfort and healing.

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To lose a son is profound. I think that any loss of a loved one is never temporary or repaired, but merely adjusted to — poorly. Perhaps we are not meant to adjust to that loss. For to adjust would result in forgetting that life that was. It is always easy to write with assurance when we are young. But the battle of life takes its toll and we become more conscious of the fragility of our being. I will think of you when I see things growing and blooming as they should. Perhaps it will steady us both in this Age of Imbalance.

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Oh the devastation of your immense losses. Take all the time you need to reorient yourself back to who you are. All the love you have for them is there in your broken heart and spirit, integrating into the new you, their spirits shinning through you in time. Time. In the meantime, please continue sharing whatever old poems and music you have created. If writing new stuff is too painful right now, then don't write now. follow your heart, broken as it is. You are such a special person. Please accept my condolences.

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