"I'm afraid you won't like my analogy for the answer." I like that you tackle the question; but I have a couple questions for you:

Does the fact that the so-called 'vaccine' was a failure and a violation of human peace suggest that the effort should not be used as an analogy? [see (amazingly from Boston globe, one of the staunchest newspapers supporting the whole thing): "The case against Anthony Fauci" — — https://www.bostonglobe.com/2025/03/09/opinion/covid-five-year-anniversary-2020-mistakes/ ]

Given that violence is woven into animal relations (and maybe beyond animals) competing for dominance (the alpha role), should we be talking about the difference between that and the violence that characterizes 'human civilization'?

I've been pondering this last question for some time, including when you share various stories for children.

Thanks for tackling the tough ones!

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Satan always promotes greed, and where greed is strife exists.

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